Monday, September 23, 2013

Oh Look Another Zombie Movie book review

Oh Look Another Zombie Movie by Spencer Walsh book review 

So, this post isn't about an actual book.  My friend Spencer Walsh enjoys writing and he just wrote this awesome book.  It’s called Oh Look another Zombie Movie.  The way that he wrote out the story is in a script-type fashion where the scenery is described in italics before the scene starts.  I feel that this makes the story even more interesting due to the fact that you can imagine the scene playing out in your head as if it were an actual movie.  The story is a comedy about zombie-killing lieutenants, captains, FBI agents, and other various people.  In his intro, he states that the story is written "South-park" style, where everything is fair game.  This is very true, due to the fact that almost anything can and will happen in his book.  If you think of it, it’s probably somewhere on the next page.  This book has lots of sarcasm and humor.  It’s a very fast-paced book, where you are pretty much on the edge of your seat waiting for the next big thing to happen. As many new characters are introduced, some characters leave through crazy deaths.  You will literally laugh out loud at some of the lines inside of the book, such as this one: "English Translator: Hello I am Barry, Mr. President. I am your English translator.
President: Nice to meet you Barry but who are all these people?
English Translator: Yeah, we couldn't find someone who spoke the Persian language and English and my second language was Japanese. Then Japanese to Spanish. Then Spanish to Dutch. Then Dutch to Swahili. Then Swahili to Finnish. Then Swahili to Mandarin. Then Mandarin to Italian. Then Italian to Hebrew-

Dr. Brooks: We get it! There are a lot of languages!" (Walsh, 82).  
I would highly suggest everyone read this.  As I've said numerous times, this book is very comical, as well as witty, and has a fun theme of a zombie apocalypse.  I've been trying to link the story to this post for about an hour now and it won't work, so if you want to read it I could email it to you, but I'm going to keep trying to find a way to link his story onto the blog, because it is a must read! Sorry I can't post it! 


  1. This sounds like a great story! I like how you incorperated the quote to show how there is humor and how you analized other aspects that made this good writing. I cna't wait to read it!

  2. I really enjoy the fact that you blogged about a non-published book! Spencer is hilarious, and I believe that I would thoroughly enjoy this book. It's nice to know that we have people our age with creative minds and have fun writing stories for the enjoyment of others.
